446100, Russia, Samara region, Chapaevsk, Kuibyshev str., 1  

HR policy

Competent and highly qualified personnel is one of the most important and valuable internal resources of the enterprise. Taking this into account, PROMSINTEZ conducts an active personnel policy, which is a system that includes the selection, training and retraining of all categories of employees. One of its most important directions is to create conditions for increasing efficiency, developing creative activity and business initiative of the staff. The formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise is based on the basis of social partnership and compliance with the following main principles:

  • Creation of conditions for labor activity and social protection of personnel that are more favorable in comparison with established laws and regulations. The legal form of social dialogue in PROMSINTEZ, JSC is a Collective agreement. The workers' side is represented by the Primary Trade Union Organization, which is part of the Roskhimprofoyuz. The high level of social partnership in the company and the effectiveness of cooperation with the team is confirmed by a large percentage of employees' membership in the trade union.
  • Ensuring safe working conditions and a high level of social and living conditions at work, based on the priority of the safety of workers and the preservation of their health.
  • Constant informing of employees about the company's activities, its position in the industry and development prospects in a clear and objective form. This is facilitated by the existing practice in the organization of holding regular meetings of heads of structural divisions of the enterprise.
  • Ensuring the principle of equality of rights and opportunities. In its activities, PROMSINTEZ, JSC respects the rights of employees in the field of labor established by law, contributes to the prevention of any forms of discrimination and forced labor. The company respects equal rights and opportunities for candidates and employees, while exercising labor rights and freedoms in all aspects of work at the enterprise.
  • Ensuring a competitive level of remuneration, which is made dependent on the results of the company's activities and on the degree of professionalism, responsibility and productivity of each employee.

The company uses the entire arsenal of modern means of professional training and development of its employees: special programs, seminars, trainings, internships.

The system of material and non-material motivation is being improved, allowing each employee to count on career growth, encouragement, and remuneration corresponding to the level of his training and personal contribution to the company's activities. Non-material employee motivation programs are aimed at increasing staff loyalty and recognizing the merits of the best employees. Opportunities to reward employees with government, departmental, as well as corporate awards are actively used.


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